Full Astrotherapy Sticker Bundle (Pre-Order)
Complete Astrotherapy sticker set. Includes:
2024-25 Transits and Lunations Sticker Set
Customizable Labels and Icons Sticker Set
Decorate your personal journal or planner with our Astrotherapy sticker sets! Best for if you already have a good grasp on Sidereal astrology and want to impose your own meanings onto the transits and lunations. Use the customizable stickers as you see fit.
Complete Astrotherapy sticker set. Includes:
2024-25 Transits and Lunations Sticker Set
Customizable Labels and Icons Sticker Set
Decorate your personal journal or planner with our Astrotherapy sticker sets! Best for if you already have a good grasp on Sidereal astrology and want to impose your own meanings onto the transits and lunations. Use the customizable stickers as you see fit.
Complete Astrotherapy sticker set. Includes:
2024-25 Transits and Lunations Sticker Set
Customizable Labels and Icons Sticker Set
Decorate your personal journal or planner with our Astrotherapy sticker sets! Best for if you already have a good grasp on Sidereal astrology and want to impose your own meanings onto the transits and lunations. Use the customizable stickers as you see fit.